- Too hard!by Wendy G
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Little girl lost
Too hard! by Wendy G
    Lost - Flash Fiction Contest Winner 

My heart rate was increasing. I could hear the pounding in my head.
Urgently I called her name. Over and over again. 

How could I lose her? I was gone for only a couple of minutes.
Once again I ran through the house, calling. 

Although she was three, she was almost non-verbal. Nevertheless she understood everything, even quite complex sentences. 

She was always excited to see me on our special days together, and we had such fun, but every time I encouraged her to speak, she would simply say "Too hard!" She spoke only those two words. "Too hard!" 

Usually she came running when I called her name. I would sweep her into my arms and she'd throw her chubby little arms around my neck. It was our little game.

But today my imagination went into over-drive. I looked under beds, in the laundry basket, behind the lounge chairs, into every nook and cranny. I threw open wardrobe and cupboard doors in case she had closed herself inside.
No response. No chubby little arms held out towards me. No running steps.

In a panic I raced outside, searching frantically around the back and both sides of the yard, checking under trees and shrubs. 

Could she be behind the shed? There was just sufficient room for a small child to fit – but not enough room for me to reach her. There were spiders, perhaps poisonous ones sheltering in the dark spaces . . . . I could not see her. Had she been bitten? Was she unconscious, stuck in a small gap?

Calling, calling. No answer. No cries of joy with wide open arms. I was panicking. 

What could I say to my son, her father? How could this happen? 

I had a sudden horrid thought. My husband had gone out – through the front door, normally kept locked. I checked. It was unlocked! How could he have been so careless? Anyone could have entered the house!

Panic-stricken, I realised what had happened. A passer-by had slipped in and snatched her. My breathing was becoming ragged.
Should I phone my son first, or the police?

Gasping sobs were choking me as I called her name one more time. One more check. 

I entered the study, where I'd already looked several times. Why did my husband always carelessly leave his chair out, instead of tucked under his desk? Exasperated, I slid it back into place.
Then I saw . . . tiny toes, peeking out from behind the curtain! 

I gasped, flung the curtain aside. There she was!
She'd initiated a game of "Hide and Seek", and rearranged his chair herself in front of the curtain, so she could hide really well!  

"Were you playing 'Hide and Seek', my sweetie?" I queried weakly.
She nodded solemnly, holding out her chubby little arms. I hugged her tightly, laughing with relief.

How many three-year-olds can stay absolutely still and quiet for half an hour? Usually that's just . . .  too hard! 

Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story under 500 words about being lost
Lost - Flash Fiction
Contest Winner


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