- He's a Daydream Believer by DragonSkulls
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Humorous 5-7-5 contest entry
He's a Daydream Believer by DragonSkulls
Write a Humorous 5-7-5 writing prompt entry

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I wasn't surprised
when my chimp started groovin'...
to a Monkees tune.

Writing Prompt
Write a humorous 5-7-5. It must have 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, second line has 7 syllables and the third line has 5 syllables, ending with 17 total syllables. No other rules apply. Have fun and make your readers laugh.

Author Notes
The Monkees were a well-known pop rock band in the late 60's to 70's.
Daydream Believer was one of their hit songs.
Even though there's only one vowel, 'wasn't' still comes out as two
syllables in my book. If you disagree, that's a little bit of me, a little
bit of you. Another Monkees song. Lol.


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