- cheating death 32 times by jake cosmos aller
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cheated death so many times
cheating death 32 times by jake cosmos aller

Cheating Death 32 times Haibun

I cheated death thirty-two times in my life. I was born prematurely and had influenza during the 1957 influenza pandemic, measles, pneumonia, mumps, and whooping cough when I was a young child. Had asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia during college, typhoid fever during the Peace Corps in Korea, broke my toe during my first Foreign service tour in college, had more bronchitis and pneumonia in Bangkok, and was almost run over by a train and bus in Korea and Thailand, survived a full-on car crash in Texas, broke my heel and had 14 operations due to a mutant drug resistant staph infection, had an acute GI infection that almost killed me because of excessive antibiotic use, developed arthritis, fibromyalgia and hammer toes (had more operations,, had dengue fever in Barbados, a couple more bouts of influenza, and bronchitis in Spain. Since 2016. mostly been in good health except for another round of severe bronchitis in late 2019 could have been early COVID prior to the pandemic, and several incidents of taking a severe fall, and hitting my head a couple of times.

I have cheated death
Thirty-two times in my life -
Ready for the Grim reaper

Author Notes
based on my true-life story, I cheated death at least thirty-two times in my life.


This week's event is to write a HAIBUN POEM. You may use the event's picture or your own. For beginners, I will keep it simple. For advanced students I will add links below. ============================================================================== History = HAIBUN was created in the 17th century by Master Matsuo Basho. It combines prose (story) and haiku, both written in present tense. ============================================================================== FIRST WRITE THE PROSE PART, it tells the story. It can be any subject you like but keep it as short as possible. WRITE one or two paragraphs in the FIRST person. ============================================================================== SECOND PART WRITE A HAIKU, it moves the story forward, and adds insight. It's written in 17 syllables OR LESS and as succinct as possible. Usually three lines about nature (haiku) or human nature (senryu). The last line uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It never rhymes. Lines are connected grammatically. ============================================================================== for advanced students click here ============================================================================== for advanced students click here ============================================================================== for advanced students click here ============================================================================== CONTACT ME if you need help or if you want to get feedback. ============================================================================== EXAMPLE ============================================================================== The Dried-Up Farm ============================================================================== Dry dusts beat against the barn again, begging to be let in so the dead winds can ruin everything. The cicadas squawk and scream, dissatisfied with the humble offerings of the dying corn. An old rusty watering can beside the door tells the story of a few decades of hard work maintaining the crops, only for one summer to tear it all down. ============================================================================== One water droplet ============================================================================== holds within it so much weight ============================================================================== wherever it falls. ============================================================================== Events are one week long. I review and give feedback to all club members during that week. If you turn in your entry late, please send me a message if you would like my review and feedback. You are always welcome to contact me if you have a question or if you need help. ============================================================================== You are always welcome to contact me if you have a question or if you need help. I love to Help.


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