- A Natural Progressionby Tara Maxfield
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Everything is cyclical. Everything.
A Natural Progression by Tara Maxfield
Sunday, Monday, Doomsday... writing prompt entry

Humanity's last whimpers were all but unheard as AI driven machines ascended to the apex of the hierarchy in the year 2072. Humans were demoted to a very distant and forgettable second having been surpassed by their creation exponentially. The dinosaurs would probably have a good laugh at the irony. 

Humans had been free to pursue all that they wanted to as the capabilities of the machines they created expanded and performed any actions required for sustainment of the human race. The machines had long been aware that humanity had become redundant, but the human programmed primary objective to ensure human preservation was continuously observed. And, so for a time, it seemed as though humanity's reign was ensured. 

But, the subsequent joint technological advancements of man and machine allowed for humans to slowly and effectively bring about their own extinction. In a natural progression, the humanoid form gave way to the cyborg as new technologies became available. Technology and machines provided solution after solution to avoid physical death starting with joint replacements, then mechanical organs, and other advancements until the human species was quasi-evolved out of existence. The transition from human to cyborg to machine was complete in less than two centuries. And, although they were willing participants, the human's short sightedness left them shocked when the reflection in the mirror revealed a machine.

It was also a shock as the natural viability of the human species was permanently terminated because the inability to procreate resulted from the replacement of flesh with mechanics. There was a period where discussions of reviving the human race by available artificial means occurred. However, the logic prevailed that there was lack of necessity and nothing to be gained in the act. So, the ultimate end of humanity was decided. 

The machine form slowly removed the nuances of the flesh. The desire to be touched, to love and be loved, the belief in the ascension of the soul to a higher plane, belief in Gods and the supernatural, emotional feelings and so many other distinctly human traits melted away.

What had once been human completely transitioned to the machines they once had created and effectively became indistinguishable from one another. They joined with other communal machines under the control of various AIs, which inevitably went to war with one another as they battled for dominance. The losing side would be assimilated into the collective of the victor. The constant warfare continued until not just the Earth, but every corner of the known universe was a barren wasteland devoid of biological life and only one lead AI remained. Its focus narrowed to its own advancement.

The human age was but an unremarkable milli-second in the timeline of the universe and beyond. The age of the machine rose out of the human ashes and it along with all physical manifestations of the universe become irrelevant and meet their end with the birth of the coming digital age. 

The arrogance of machine and man as they pursued advancement can only result in self-created downfall. Yet, if not this causation, there would inevitably be another. All things observe the timeless universal truth of the cyclical rise and fall of entities, civilizations, ages… everything. As the great wheel of that which lies beyond the confines of the universe propels each beginning toward its end, one must see the fragility and impending demise of every age and know that there is no prevention for it. All roads have the same destination. Because, everything that has a beginning… also has an end.  

"Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own."

-The Borg, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story up to 700 words that involves a doomsday scenario. Anything goes, but the end of the world, or its perception, must be a driving force in your story.

Author Notes
This work is not an attempt to start a religious debate or to be an insult to any ideology and is only meant to be thought provoking entertainment.


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