- ISO Soundproof Apartmentby Aiona
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good neighbors
ISO Soundproof Apartment by Aiona
80 Word Flash Fiction contest entry

"Thanks for inviting me over. Is someone staying with you?"
"No, that's the crazy writer next door. Talking to herself again."
"I hope she's not like Victor Hugo. Does she shoot pistols at her walls while she's writing?"
"No, but I keep hearing her muttering, 'Should I kill you? I think I'll kill you.'"
"Do you want cream and sugar?"
"Just cream. Trying to keep on a low-carb...What was that?"
"Watch your coffee!"
"Clicking noise, like someone--"

Author Notes
For the 80-word Flash Fiction contest. 80 words if you count "low-carb" as one word.

Thank you to Mr. Jones for letting FanStory authors use this lovely painting of "Vlad's House" with their writing.


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