- Processing Beginsby Liz O'Neill
This work has reached the exceptional level
They will talk about their experiences in the 16th century
The Tor
: Processing Begins by Liz O'Neill

The ladies have portaled back to the 21st century, not without emotional scars. We sit with them as they process.

Previously: The shuttle bus finally carries the ladies up to the Tor in the 21st century. But they are haunted by their memories from their experience in the 16th century and their threat of being beheaded.

Everyone piles out, and we find a cushy spot under a shade tree to gather ourselves. We have so much to process. None of us has anything to eat. I guess we expected, in such a tourist spot, there would be vendors. Instead, all they are offering is blood-red water from an ancient well.

I sense the memories fading fast. We’ve got to resolve things, so we will never have these premonitional experiences again. We need to be healed of the horrors we’ve experienced, that that part of our past will be softened.


I couldn’t wait to start talking and processing what happened to me at first and then to the others. “I was standing reading that big sign out front of that building. What was it? A museum? Karin and Caren I saw you disappear into it, what was in there?”

Both looked at each other with concern and simultaneously said, “Darkness!”

“You too? As I was saying, I was standing in front of the sign about the destruction of the monastery and the surrounding circumstances, which I never did get to read, instead I…” 

I looked around at each friend who could have joined me in the rest of the sentence. You know how there are some people who mouth the words with you as you are speaking? Well, there were many lips murmuring right along with my audibly spoken words. “I …stepped into darkness.”

There followed a chorus of “Us too…me too…the same thing happened here… there was just darkness…I ended up in some dark room that might have been a bedroom…I had no idea where I was or where everyone else was…I thought we’d been abducted and you guys were in some other room.” This could have gone on forever. I decided to contain these reactions by having each of us tell her story.

“Whoa, let’s each tell our individual story. I think that is important. I also think we will understand better why we had such dramatic and in some cases physical effects from seeing the Tor or pictures of it or even the mention of it.”

Then Cordelia reminded me of my adverse reaction to the plates in our cottage cupboard with the pictures of the very monastery where we were going to be portaled. 

Cordelia raised her eyebrows and shook her head in amazement. “No wonder I had to wash that plate. You were really having some kind of inner dowser premonition. I, Cordelia, according to you, am supposed to be the great inner dowser. Harrumph.” 

She turned, directing the information to the others. “We were having raisin biscuits and coffee for breakfast. When I pulled out the plates, Madeline freaked. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with her.” 

Cordelia directed the next question to me. “Madeline, did you ever realize or mention to anyone that it was a specific picture on the plate that bothered you?” 

I couldn’t remember at this point, so much had happened. “I don’t know. I just know it was as if the energy coming from my plate was too much for me to make contact with. It’s like the powerful energy some of us sense at a yard sale. 

“One of my dowsing friends, Mary, and I often experience weird energy at yard sales, garage sales, or tag sales. We look at each other with repulsed expressions as we drop an item we were holding because of its creepy vibes. 

”We always shake our hands like I did as I quickly put that cottage plate down. This helps rid our beings of any negative energy.”

Caren piped up, “Oh, I know what plates you’re talking about. I made Karin get paper plates. I was not touching those plates. The large one may have been even worse than the little ones.”

Mary Jo and Somara looked at each other and laughed, pointing fingers.

Evelyn summarized everyone’s vent, “I just had the greatest urge to smash all of them. But did not want to get us kicked out of our place.”

Cyndy laughed, “I thought I was going to have to yell, ‘ Evelyn, stand down, back away from those plates.” Evelyn patted Cyndy’s arm and gave her a hug with a big smile.

Everyone joined in the round of, “Yes, those creepy plates…why would they put such pictures on them?...we had to buy paper plates too…it’s a good thing we knew not to use those plates, someone would have to touch them to wash them.” There was evidence of many shudders thrown off, as if they were shaking off the proverbial dark dust of the past. 

I looked at Cordelia fondly, gesturing toward her. “She did wash one plate for me. We did a coin toss to see who would wash that one little plate we had used. She rigged the toss.”  Looking at her, I said, “Didn’t you?” 

She shrugged, acting all innocent with a wicked grin on her face.

Bringing it all together for us I said, “We might as well connect all of this to the Michael ley line.  I think we’ve experienced the horrid events that have been tagged with the darkness of the Michael line.  How could such dark energy run through our earth?

Caren really was a lifetime student. “Do they travel through any specific spots in the world? I’ve heard if there are certain power spots like Machu Picchu in Peru there will be some ley lines present.”

In answer to her question, I expanded my explanation. “There are many ley lines running throughout the earth creating havoc in some places and in others, people claim to feel miracles happening like in Sedona, Arizona in our own country. 

“The two basic ones running below the surface in England are the Michael & Mary lines. We experienced them at Stonehenge and the Standing Stone Circle in Avebury, along with Silbury Hill, a very curious looking pyramid. I read that the Mary and Michael line cross at that point. “I guess it’s like the yin yang where we stare at the balancing of things. Fortunately, the universe has provided the Mary ley line, the opposite of the Michael line.  

“The energy of the Mary line, as we know, brings on a soft, fluffy feeling.  We will become balanced, I promise you.”


Author Notes
Michael ley line
Just as we have energy waves throughout the atmosphere, buzzing around our head, so too, do we have them within the earth's makeup. The energy below the surface affects the outcome


Power Spots


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