Follows with another Incredible Journey Entitled, "Rise Above?"
"No Need to Be"
Written on August 8th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
(Angels tell Tales too!)
Copyright ©¸ Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
It's Raining now.
(A night rain)
On this day and Time.
I'm enclosed.
Yes, but I feel kind of comfortable inside.
I can't see, or feel, or even hear a thing?
(And, this part bothers me)
But I'm going with the flow.
(Don't you know)
As the rain continues, so do the moments restricted.
(No benefit to be?)
Yes, Lord God above but I'm trying.
(And, I'm not lying)
Trying the best I can be!
But this is reality.
Reality and Fate combined.
Combined with "please don't be late"
(Perhaps a special date with Reality?)
As the Night Rain continues to fall.
Now, let me make this Crystal clarity?
(And, I do hope it's a she?)
And, that would be very nice now for me.
As I now can finally feel.
I feel my body now lifting but when I looked down?
I am definitely rising.
Yes Lord God but I don't understand?
Why dear Lord God high above in the Night sky?
Why Dear Lord God is this now happening?
Happening to me?
Am I alive or dying?
Dear Lord God I'm still trying!
Trying to understand!
(And, do You know what I mean?)
I'm only Eighteen!
As the Night Rain continues to fall...
Lord God, can You at least give me a clue?
Suddenly the darkness goes away and brilliant colors as of amazing hues!
Yes, an Angel appears?
And, then another one too?
And, another and another for a total of Twelve!
Yes, as they link their hands forming a circle around me!
And, then they started singing?
Singing Just For Me!
And the circle is now complete!
Thank You God and I finally can again see!
And, now I know my purpose because they've told me!
Told me telepathically!
And, now you know my story.
Yes, but this is just the beginning and not the End!
So, you just need to continue.
Yes, continue reviewing what my father is writing my friend!
Yes, as he always will be writing with his pen!
Author Notes
*Amen: exclamation
1. uttered at the end of a prayer or a hymn meaning, "so be it"
*Amen: noun
1. an utterance of "Amen"
Note: On March 31st, 2003.
(On that Rainy Night around 8:30 PM.)
Yes, my son never passed away but I died.
To learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara. S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
1-800- DONORS-1.
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st 2003.
Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
'Eddie ciofi'
And, Eddie's Incredible Picture Entitled, "All rise"