magical enchantment
that pulls it across the lake
amidst a myriad of lights —
lonely firefly
Author Notes
Some people feel alone in a crowd even when we seek company and love. I used imagery, personification, and metaphor for my tanka, which is permitted for this poetic form.
"I inhale loneliness like it is the sweet smell of virgin earth conquered by fiery rain drops. Within me, I'm a thousand others." = Faraaz Kazi, Truly, Madly, Deeply
MODERN TANKA is a Japanese poetic form. The form was created 1,200 years ago. It used to be written between lovers but now you can write about anything you want. Like haiku, it's written in a succinct manner in 31 syllables (5/7/5/7/7) OR LESS. Personification, metaphor, and simile are permitted in Tanka. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. click here if you want to see modern tanka examples -- click here if you want to read free online tanka book -- click here to read Tanka Society of America
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"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." --Atticus