- Is Love an STD?by Terry Broxson
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How do you know about Love?
Is Love an STD? by Terry Broxson
Is Love a Disease or a Cure? writing prompt entry
Artwork by Sarah Christian at

There is a country song, "Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places."

Many people throughout history thought they had found true love only to learn that it was a sexually transmitted disease. The good news is that for the most part, it was treatable and thus educated preventable in the future.

Love is not a disease. It is not treatable, and love is not preventable even when educated.

Love is cherished. Love is personal.

When love is lost, it breaks your heart. But you don't need surgery.

Someone asked me, "How did you know she loved you all those years?"

"Because she took my hand, held it, looked at me, and said thank you.

"It was also that moment I knew she knew. She was loved!"

Even when hearts are broken. Love heals.


Writing Prompt
Write whatever your heart desires on whether love is a disease or a cure, exhausting or invigorating.



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