- Teardrops of a broken world by Charity Stewart
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Teardrops of a broken world by Charity Stewart

Life sometimes is too deep.

No fancy dinners because men are too cheap.

Popping pain killers, not getting any relief.

All the problems of this world so I can't be brief.

Massive shooting daily so there's grief.

Too many altercations so there's beef.

The government raising taxes so they are the real thieves.

Tourists damaging all of ocean coral reefs.

Hate crime is the motive of the shooting at Buffalo grocery store.

10 black shoppers bleeding out on the floor.

Attacking all those innocent people, what for?

Justiced needs to be serve, it's time to even the score.

Many shooters crucified innocent lives like they did Christ.

All those children gunned down like they were skating on thin ice.

Salvador Ramos killed 19 children and 2 adults.

White supremacy is a demonic cult.

Hate and violence, we seem to buy in bulk.

Psychosis is another word for the incredible hulk.

Unrecognized loss of humanity.

Mental illness is a crutch used to cover up people's insanity.

How many more murders before we can see the real picture?

Put the guns down and start reading some scriptures.

Toss the hate away like a free-throw.

Let the love, happiness and change grow.

This world eventually will rot down below.

We all will reap what we sow.

Some of us the streets is all we know.

I'm looking back at the world like whoa.

The drugs makes us feel high but we are really low.

Mental surgery, many of us need to undergo.

Our country is like titanic we are sinking.

The congress leaders are not even thinking.

I would rather live in England with the Queen.

The world I knew is gone if you know what I mean.

Hopelessness instilled forever because I seen what I seen.

Violence ,racism and hate leaks from my screen.

Depression and anxiety is overlooked.

Our seniors becoming hostile over narcotics because they are hooked.

Drowning in debt but I still owe the IRS.

God is willing to forgive us of our sins if we will confess.

Unprotected in this world so many of us need a nest.

Judgmental congregation are nothing but a pest.

Overwhelming dreams preventing me from getting any rest.

No matter what I done, I know my father wouldn't think of me any less.

All the tribulations we go through, may only be a test.

Chronic struggles, leaving me depressed.

Uncontrolled anger makes me feel possessed.

My daily life's hardship continues to molest.

This world is decaying so its starting to congest.

Bringing back all the innocent lives loss is my ultimate request.



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