- Life Passes Byby Gypsy Blue Rose
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4/7/5/7/7 Modern Tanka
Tanka Collection
: Life Passes By by Gypsy Blue Rose
for rules, please see my author notes

Life passes by
faster and faster each day,
like river rapids

rush towards the vast ocean,
where drops await ascension.


Author Notes
River Rapids are areas of shallow, fast-flowing water in a stream. Rapids tend to form in younger streams, with water flow that is straighter and faster than in older streams. how water rapids form guidebook

Ascension = to move upward or rise; going up towards the source or beginning; the bodily ascending of Christ from earth to heaven.

Ocean saltwater is exposed to the sun everyday. This creates some evaporation of the water. The water is evaporated into the air, forms or goes into clouds, and then returns in the form of precipitation. This is what is called the water cycle.

MODERN TANKA is a Japanese poetic form. The form was created 1,200 years ago. It used to be written between lovers but now you can write about anything you want. Like haiku, it's written in a succinct manner in 31 syllables (5/7/5/7/7) OR LESS. Personification, metaphor, and simile are permitted in Tanka. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. click here if you want to see tanka rules -- click here if you want to see modern tanka examples -- click here if you want to read free online tanka book -- click here to read Tanka Society of America �??�?�¢?? click here to read Masterpiece Classes

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus


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