- Comeuppanceby RodG
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an 80-word story
Comeuppance by RodG
80 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry

Entering his third-story walk-up, IRS agent Henry Hickey dropped his battered satchel and the mail on the only table. Moments later he yanked loose his tie and chugged a beer.

“Banner day, Henry! Three tax delinquents nailed.”

A letter from the IRS caught his attention.

My bonus at last he thought.

He thumbed it open and read.

Dear Henry Hickey:

Please report to your local IRS office by [ ] to explain discrepancies in your 2021 tax return.

Sincerely yours,

Writing Prompt
Write a story of 80 words. not including the title. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 80 words.

Author Notes
Artwork is courtesy of Google images.

COMEUPPANCE: deserved reward or just deserts, usually unpleasant. He finally got his comeuppance for his misbehavior.

WORD COUNT: 80 exactly. Your counter.


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