Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Follows with Another Amazing Journey Entitled,
"Making Sense of Senselessness?"
(A Dedication to Jay)
Written on April 28th 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
What do you do when your entire World is turned upside down?
No more righted smile?
Frown is upside down?
What do you do when your Shitty World is turned inside out?
Jump up and down?
Scream and shout?
What do you do when you need to make a decision?
Yes, that will affect the rest of your Life?
Your family's Life?
Your wife's Life?
And, others to come?
Pout like a baby and suck your thumb?
Now that would be kind of dumb!
I'll tell you what you do!
Yes, when you're Only Son is lying there in a coma.
Close to Brain Death.
Basically hours left on this planet Earth.
And, you watch your grown young man.
From the beginning of his birth.
To what now is this worth?
It's April 1st, 2003.
April Fool's Day not to you but to me!
And, you'll make a decision.
A decision that will change the lives of more than just you!
You will create Life!
Yes, like you had never done before!
But no way, no other person could do?
As I am now presenting to you.
And, as I cast these words to you.
Within mere seconds.
Yes, they blend into an image of Crystalline laughs and gasps.
Ashes to Ashes?
Dust the Dust?
Or Life after Death?
And, with just one breath.
Now you are reading from my Broken Heart.
What I entitled, *Senselessness"
Author Notes
*Senselessness: noun
1. Lack of good sense or judgment
"he had the senselessness to mix these dangerous chemicals together?
Synonyms for senselessness:
absurdity, asininity, balminess brainlessness, craziness, daftness, dippiness, dottiness, fatuity, fatuousness, folly, foolishness, imbecility, inanity, insanity, lunacy, madness, nonsensicalness, nuttiness, preposterousness, silliness, simplicity, unwisdom,
Wackiness, witlessness, and zanniness.
Words related to Senselessness:
denseness, dim-wittedness, doltishness, dopiness, dullness (also dullness)
dumbness, feeble-mindedness, gormlessness, (chiefly British), idiocy, mindlessness, oafishness, obtuseness, simple-mindedness, simpleness, sloanedness, slowness, stupidity stupidness, vacuity, fallacy, irrationality, unreasonableness, kookiness, weirdness, laughableness, ludicrously, ludicrousness, ridiculousness, and deathlessness.
2. Language behavior or ideas that are observed and contrary to good sense.
//babbled some senselessness about being eaten by horses.
Note: Between antonyms, synonyms, words related to senselessness.
There's at least 170 more!
Note: I guess in a sense when you read my editor's notes.
You will realize that what happened was absolutely needed.
And, to learn more about,
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organ's graciously offered on April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
"I Mourn'd and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring...
Walt Whitman.
"I Mourn'd and shall continue to mourn, forever and ever... "With each and every,
"Ever Returning-Spring"
Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer,
'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just My Jay"