experts pen,
is a place where
mundane gives way, again
and again, to the sacred. There
we talked, laughed, learned, and repaired every care.
At Christmas, Dad's big hands red from the measured way
he pulled Mom's hot taffy (best treat to share)!
Homework on bar stools, standard fare
most nights 'til after ten.
Love, kitchen chair,
safe haven.
Find Zen.
Author Notes
Miriam Weinstein, author of "The Surprising Power of Family Meals: How Eating Together Makes Us Smarter, Stronger, Healthier and Happier," said of suppertime, "Supper is about intention and consistency. It is about prevention and repair. Use the occasion to talk and to listen. Just come home." Another favorite quote: "The mundane gives us access to the sacred. The sacred informs and enriches the mundane."
Our kitchen was the most lived-in room of the house and countless memories revolve around it.
I decided to try my hand at a Diatelle:
The syllable count is: 1-2-3-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-3-2-1,
The rhyme pattern is: abbcbccaccbcbba.