- Drive-by Shooting by Charity Stewart
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One bad choice can change your life forever
Drive-by Shooting by Charity Stewart

At a young age I was involved in a drive by shooting.

No street sense, I thought we were only commuting.

Windows down with guns aimed out the window.

Smoking backwoods and popping indo.

Ride or die, I believed I was in love.

He pulled out his ski mask and reached for a glove.

He didn't want his fingerprints on the gun.

Gun loaded and ready to stun.

My boyfriend's brother shot at a female and she was hit.

The police was called, his brother told us we needed to spilt.

Drove my jeep down a tight lane.

The sounds of sirens rushed through my brain.

Police spotted us at the end of the street.

My boyfriend handed me the gun so I hid it under the seat.

His brother didn't want me to catch a case.

He took the gun and ran while we left the place.

The police caught him, he did his time and didn't squeal.

I hope he won his case in court, no time for an appeal.

My Jeep suffered body damage from fleeing the scene.

I yelled at my boyfriend saying things I didn't mean.

I changed my license plates and fixed my car damages alone.

He didn't offer to help, I had to fix it on my own.

I lied to my parents regarding the incident, never a snitch.

I looked my parents straight in the eyes, I didn't twitch.

I blamed myself for being dumb and naive.

That's what I get for wearing my heart on my sleeve.

One wrong decision can change your life forever.

The innocent person I once was is never coming back ever.



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