- Drifting royowen
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A philosophical poem.
Drifting back. by royowen

A child may die in times of drought,
yet still believes and will not doubt,
And even though there be no fruit,
they'll always cling to faith's bright root.

My mind drifts back when just a child,
when people fought, becoming riled.
That I would stand, cling to my dreams,
as I revile Earth's cloak of schemes.

And though I'm old, this man will cling,
to future's hope, to dance, to sing,
I know I'm loved, in spite of hate,
as mountains fall and seal their fate.

There is someone who comforts me,
who'll not desert, nor let me be.
In partnership I'm filled with dreams,
with no regrets - what might have been.

R.Owen 26/2/2022.


Author Notes
Hope is such a wonderful thing, but to hope in this world is a forlorn task, with countless forms of religion forming, environmentalism, non binary gender. All these things are covered in scripture, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Mathew 7:12,. Tell me why we have to redefine this argument, is not it all consuming, why do we have to separate and compartmentalise the principle of loving thy neighbour, which is holistic, all folk are our neighbours, is that not clear enough? Otherwise it is going to create some sort of elitism or religion, or worse.
Thanks for reading, R.Owen
Artwork of google.


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