- The life of an addictby Pangalactic
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May you find the strength
The life of an addict by Pangalactic
The life of a.... writing prompt entry

Every day I see you, in this pretty seaside town

The addicts with the panicked gait, hoods up, faces down

Vacant eyes like darkness, as you scour the city trash

The endless search for pain relief, a constant head on crash

It seems a life is thrown away, replaced by gnawing sorrow

I long to take your pain away, from deep inside my marrow

For all of those with troubled souls, a blessed benediction

May you find the strength inside, to break free from addiction

Writing Prompt
Write a poem adout "the life of a..." something, anything, person, place, or thing. Be creative! Any style of poem.

Author Notes
For Canada, the city I live in is fairly temperate. The local government is liberal and empathetic. This has invited many of the provinces most at risk to move and live here.
Drug addiction is a big problem on our streets and very visible.
My heart aches for the lost souls; the troubled minds.
Addiction has been in my family - It is extremely hard to watch a loved one suffer.
When I see the drug addicts on the streets of my town, I feel as if they are family too - aren't we all family in this world - and my heart aches.
These are people, troubled and lost, but still people; some have families that care for them deeply.
Please don't immediately judge, instead wish those in pain relief - It may just help, and your own heart will grow in the process :)


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