- Unwelcomed Warby cupa tea
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for the contest Personification
Unwelcomed War by cupa tea
Personification contest entry

The night sky danced with the promise that things were gonna get worse not better and soon. I ran towards my old house which reminded me of mom's welcoming arms, as a child, when I was hurt. In the distance, the wind howled and danced, like a lion, as it chased me with alarming sounds and speed of gun fire and bombs. The floor under my feet trembled like the Earth itself was unhappy with man fighting foolish issues upon it's surface. Even the air protested being inhaled enabling it to feel like water as I breathed.

"Was the world ending?" I questioned, as I quickly escaped into my welcoming old closet which appeared to be holding out it's arms welcoming me inside. Quickly I wrapped an old blanket around my shoulders enjoying the smell and warmth of mom. I fell slowly into a troubled, restless, sleep.

Author Notes
I have always had this dream about a war breaking out in my old neighborhood. Today, that dream doesn't seem to far fetched.


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