- It's Hard To Let Them Goby pookietoo
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We want to spend one more day with them.
It's Hard To Let Them Go by pookietoo
Spiritual writing prompt entry

When our loved ones die, we miss seeing their face.
We know they're going to a beautiful place.
We miss all their smiles, their hugs, laughter, and cheer.
We think about them and wipe away a tear.

What would it be like to see them one more day,
Go on a walk, find a quiet place to stay?
We would try to listen to each quiet sound,
Feel of our Father's love, feel peace all around.

We would have a picnc on top of a hill.
We would share memories, take time to be still.
We would also go on a walk that is long.
We would memorize and sing a favorite song.

We would see some flowers and birds in the trees,
Watch the butterflies and feel a gentle breeze.
We would talk all day, share what's in our heart.
The time would go fast; we would not want to part.


Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type that is spiritual in nature


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