"10:13 am."
Written on September 30th, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
It's now 10:13 and I'm thinking of you!
It's been a long time.
Won't you agree?
So, I decided to write you.
Write you a little poem?
You see?
It's 10:13 and I still can remember that day in September!
Yes, when it wasn't supposed to be?
To Be or Not to Be?
Yes, that is the question?
But God was watching.
And, me too!
It's 10:13 and sometimes?
"The Hands of Time"
Come raging and paging in.
"The Book of Life"
Well the pages aren't to be for me?
Destiny might be?
But do you see?
It's 10:13 and I had a gut feeling!
That something just wasn't quite right?
Even though the Sun was shining?
In the morning's daylight.
Something wasn't quite right!
Note: Yes on that day?
But it was actually today?
But many years ago.
September 30th, 1985.
My youngest baby girl daughter?
Dana Alyse Smrkovsky.
Yes, almost died!
Always go with your gut feeling no matter what they say!
Whether the baby was just turning or the fires inside were not quite burning?
I had a yearning!
"The Womb of Life"
Yes, is meant to hold a child for x amount of time.
And that child inside?
In vitro.
Yes, as a fetus.
Knows even still when it's there Time to Shine!
The cord was wrapped around my daughter's neck twice but by no choice?
I something to my wife to as I watching the Heart Monitor go below!
And, she said...
'The baby was just turning.'
So, I'm watch the monitor for my daughter's Heart start to go backwards?
And, I always know my wife Carolyn.
When, fully dilated?
The ten sonometers?
Delivers within 15 to 30 minutes.
At 140 to 160?
Yes, that's normal for the fetus in vitro.
But once it goes below 100?
Something's not quite right!
And, I sensed it!
And, I yelled at that nurse to do something about it!
So, as a result?
She finally put an internal monitor into my wife Carolyn.
Yes, and got the true reading of under 100 heartbeats a minute.
Yes, and she said
'The babies in distress will need to do a C-section.'
To make a long story short.
Community Memorial Hospital had a very young Filipino doctor on hand.
And, she was able to get her hand inside.
Yes, and remove the cord wrapped twice around my daughter's neck!
(What the heck finally!)
Dana was a little blue but she was breathing!
And, today's her 35th birthday!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
Author Notes
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'cleo85'
And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "My Buddy"