today I was informed by Amber
daughter of
Crzypnter (August)
that he has passed away
he was a family member of FanStory sence 2013
a very talented writer,
and a good friend to so many
I had told him a few times
if he would write,
and publish a book
I would be the first to buy it
he was a very kind man,
with a heart of gold
a very humbled soul
I had asked his daughter if she would
mind if I posted his passing
she told me a few things about him
August was a survivor of 911
he was hurt when they hit the pentagon
he was a contractor there,
and finally succumbed to those injuries
he only spoke of it once
and never wished to speak of it again
he will truly be missed by so many
in our FanStory family
I am heartbroken over his loss
my heart and my prayers go out to his
family and friends
he is now Resting In Peace
he now walks with God
this is not the end
this is just the beginning
he is now home
Amber said she is leaving his poems
on his profile for awhile,
for anyone who wants to
go back and read them
she is also considering
publishing a book with some of the poems
I pray she does
God Bless my sweet friend,
you are now home
love you...Linda xxoo