"The All-Timers of My Dementia!"
Written on September 6th, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2021
'All Rights Reserved'
It's all over now!
My Ricking Chair?
Forgot how to Rock!
And, my Rock?
Forgot how to Roll!
And, my Roll?
Well, da damned Nursing homes own all of that!
It's all ober now!
How now Blue cow?
Can you cut me a break?
Yes, not a star?
Cuz I lost my Chammar ability?
To spell!
Well now that you going this far!
Sit a spell!
Because I got a disease!
And my cow?
Well it can no longer jump!
And, she can't even remember the way!
Perhaps I should trade it in?
Trade it in for some "Magic beans?"
Do you know what I means?
Grab that long Vine?
Climb it So Divine?
But you see for me?
Yes, my Vine for Me?
Yes, grew mysteriously?
Yes, Underground!
So, I discovered and found?
Found underground?
Yes a very Special and Hot Place?
Yes, of Unholy Grace!
And, did I forget to mention it because of?
"The All-Timers of My *Dementia?"
Author Notes
*Dementia: noun
Note: No pun on words this time because it's a serious problem for the elderly!
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Dr.Ricky 1024'
And, His Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Just Me"