- Turning the Tables by Elizabeth Emerald
This work has reached the exceptional level
Students take teacher's remark literally
Turning the Tables by Elizabeth Emerald
Artwork by VMarguarite at

When I was in seventh grade, back in the sixti (not gonna go there), I had a buxom social studies teacher, who had the unfortunate name of Mrs. Tats. (Some of the boys mysteriously relapsed into vowel confusion when they addressed her.)

As if continual mispronunciation of her name weren't enough of an annoyance, the phonically-challenged cadre saw fit to further torment Mrs. Tats with sundry mischievous antics.

One of the boys, Damon the Demon, was particularly disruptive. Mrs. Tats made him sit in the back of the room and turn his desk to the wall. 

One day, Damon surreptitiously tied the cord of the seven-foot-wide, steel Venetian blind to the leg of his desk, knowing that after our period ended, Mrs. Tats would move the desk to its proper position. Within a minute of our exit, we heard, from the hallway, the crash of the blind as Mrs. Tats inadvertently yanked it from the window frame.

The following day, the furious Mrs. Tats glared at the smirking boys, who she knew were in on the prank, and said: Every time I turn my back, you monsters turn this room upside down! 

Thus was inspired in Diabolical Damon another brilliant idea.

The following morning, when we filed into first period social studies, we beheld, along with Mrs.Tats, the twenty-four desks, hers included, up-ended.

As a coup de grâce
, the boys, who'd transformed the classroom after school the day prior, had, per the sign on its door, converted room l08 into 80l.



Author Notes
Empty Classroom by VMarguarite on THANK YOU!


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