I do believe in God, that He is real,
but I have many questions as to why
my son with mental illness has to suffer.
For life, most likely 'till the day he dies.
It's hard to have faith when I've often prayed
for God to take away this awful scourge,
but either He can't hear or doesn't care.
Most likely, prayers I've said were never heard.
I have faith in my family, they are strong.
I have faith that each day the sun will rise,
and when the evening comes the stars will shine,
but no faith that God listens to my cries.
I do not plead for me, but for my son.
A normal life is what my son should live,
and though God could, He doesn't intervene.
So total faith in God I can not give.
I know that many suffer the same fate,
and my heart bleeds for all of those who do.
I do believe in God, that He is real,
but my lost faith is something that I rue.