- There Goes The Squirrelby Raul1
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A short story.
There Goes The Squirrel by Raul1
100 Word Flash Fiction contest entry

The squirrel runs in the middle of the street. It goes up a tree. A kid told his dad, "Look at that, there goes the squirrel,"

"It does look like a wild animal to me," Dad said.

"So, don't you be no squirrel," his Dad said.

"But, they only think by instinct," the kid said.

"Exactly!" Dad explained.

His dad told him a story where they chased a wild animal through their garden. It ruined his parents' backyard. The kid named Jerry didn't take to love this animal. It was the other way around. Promised to never be like it.


Author Notes
The metaphor 'don't you be no squirrel' relates to try not to be a negative thing. Jerry's parents' chased the squirrel all through their garden. Instead, it ruined their backyard.


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