- Telepathic Communication?by Elizabeth Emerald
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Alien Incursion: Abduction averted
Telepathic Communication? by Elizabeth Emerald
Artwork by the mr pic tic at

I've never had much interest in Sci-fi. I endured Star Trek through my middle school years. (I suffered from Captive Audience Syndrome; my family were fervid fans.) I saw the original Star Wars on an ill-fated date. (I found the guy more tedious than the movie.)  As for E.T. and Close Encounters, I found them mildly entertaining, and their implications intriguing.

After chancing upon a purportedly true story of alien abduction, Communion, by Whitley Streiber, I went on to read his sequel, Transformation.

Skeptics said that the books were unwittingly confabulated by the fantasy-prone Streiber, a well known writer of horror fiction (e.g. Wolfen, and The Hunger, neither of which I read, nor did I see the movies they inspired). 

Point taken. Nonetheless, I found it easier to believe that Streiber's graphically recalled experiences were real than that they were merely vivid dreams or products of his subconscious. 

Ever since I read Streiber's story, which was augmented by equally compelling "true" tales, I've been tantalized by the prospect of extra-terrestrial visitations.

Thus, I was enthralled as my sister, several years back, related an alien encounter she experienced jointly with her husband.

Given that
1) the two were awake (standing in their living room), and
2) they saw the same trio of creatures, and
3) they described them as ten feet tall, contrary to the diminutive images popularized in fiction, I had no doubt their experiences were veridical.

It was Nancy's husband who first encountered the beings. In answer to a midnight call of bladder, Robert headed down the hallway when he sensed a presence in the living room. There he saw three ovoid heads, the tops of which brushed the ceiling.

Nancy, hearing Robert cry out, rushed to his aid; whereupon she witnessed the ominously silent intruders.

Terrorized, she and Robert simultaneously addressed the creatures:
Why have you come?
What do you want with us? 


Robert flipped the light switch.

Whereupon they beheld the three birthday balloons, helium-filled, whose strings had somehow slipped off the stake that was stuck in the pot that had anchored them to the table.




Author Notes
road kill by the mr pic tic on THANK YOU!


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