- Something Gained in Translationby Mary Furlong
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A true story told in 80 words
Something Gained in Translation by Mary Furlong
80 Word Flash Fiction contest entry

Mike made up a story to tell to the class. "There once was a giant who carried a stash," he began.
"A good start," said Mike's friend, Charlie.
"An excellent start," agreed the teacher. "But I think you mean 'staff,' not 'stash.'
"Thanks," said Mike. He began again. "There once was a giant who carried a staff."
A knock at the door interrupted him.
"Come in. Come in," called Charlie. "Mike is telling us a wonderful story about a musician."

Author Notes
The kids in the story were in one of my first-grade classes. I found Charlie's enthusiasm for his friend's story as charming as the story itself.


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