- Enduranceby June Sargent
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7/7 couplet as followup to chapter 43 in Book of Renga Two
Renga Two
: Endurance by June Sargent
Artwork by Cindy Sue Truman at

seasons' changes come and go -
mountain aged with grace remains

Author Notes
3,000-ft high monument El Capitan is protected by a bill signed by President Abe Lincoln in 1857, creating a trust to protect this beauty so future generations can enjoy this natural wonder. Folklore and history has it that if you look at this side of the mountain in a certain light, you can see the profile of a old woman's face with tears. The Ahwahnee Indians lived here before settlers arrived. According to folklore, one of the chief's young daughters fell in love with a warrior. The two lovers wanted to marry. War broke out and the Indian maiden's betrothed went off to war- and never returned. As the years passed, she became old. Her heart was broken, her face, aged and wrinkled from looking for him from the top of this mountain in the hot sun. One day she lept 3,000 feet to her death - to join her love forever.

Renga is a Japanese collaborative poetry form in which poets write alternating verses of 5-7-5 stanzas and 7-7 couplets which are linked in succession by multiple poets. Only the first 5/7/5 is a haiku; the rest 5/7/5 stanzas are only restricted to syllable count. Renga is older than haiku.

Please, if you would like to add a chapter to this book of renga, read these instructions then copy and paste to your author notes. If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact Gypsy Blue Rose.

Steps to Post a Chapter:

click on the ADD CHAPTER icon, located above the review box.

If the last poem is a 5/7/5 stanza, write a 7/7 couplet, if the last poem is a 7/7 couplet write a 5/7/5 stanza. Write about the SAME THEME of the previous chapter but please don't REPEAT words.

Post your poem as usual but it will be part of the book. A copy will go to your portfolio and you keep your reviews.


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