Making my way thru valleys and o'er hills,
God made a promise He would fulfill
Stepping from eternity into time,
Birth so sublime
Calvary's Mount to climb
I hear the words of prophets and seers,
Until the Christ Child appears
Leafing thru the Book of Revelation
Reading about our coming salvation
"Make straight the way,"
Light the candles and pray
Celebrate Feast of the Immaculate Conception,
To be virgin-born, was Christ's intention
Honor Our Lady of Guadalupe
Patroness of our land
Her merciful, loving hand
These weeks of Advent
Are all meant
To convert and repent
As I make this Advent journey
I think of Mary's travel to the hill country
Like her, I am traveling
Divine mysteries unraveling
Like the Baptist, I will leap for joy
At the thought of this miraculous little Boy
Author Notes
Inspired by readings and homilies from Masses I have attended commemorating feast days of Our Lady and the weeks of Advent. Thanks to David L from Pixabay