- Believe In Your Writingby Raul1
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Believe that you can be a writer.
Believe In Your Writing by Raul1
I Believe writing prompt entry

I believe that my writing will be better. It is time to have faith in your writing skills. Each time you write, don't be discouraged. Sometimes I have felt discouraged, but I keep on writing. I believe in myself. I can write better, and so can you. Find your muse. Be inspired. When I first started writing, I had made lots of typos. Sometimes I still do.

Literature is hard to accomplish. The critics can be harsh to newcomer writers. I think that it has to be this way. It pushes you to be a better writer. The first time isn't in your writing career won't be all rosy and shining days.

If this is your first time writing stories and poems, then don't worry. You're bound to make some mistakes. It is the reason why we should revise our time, again and again, our works. You can do it. Write each day and time yourself. For example, write for four hours. Pace your typing on your computer. You will keep improving.

I never give up, I believe in myself that I can be a better writer. If my story or poem has failed, I keep on writing the next one. If my writing work is successful, I keep on making the next one. Never stop making your writing works once yours is a success. Keep on writing! Happy writing! Good luck with your writing adventure! Believe in yourself!

Writing Prompt
Write a story or essay that begins with the sentence: I believe _______ (finish the sentence). Maximum word count: 1,000.


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