General Poetry posted April 27, 2020

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How the virus affects nursing home residents.

Covid - 19 Broken Hearts

by Therese Caron

Nursing home residents can't understand
Why their families have ceased to come in
We try to explain we're keeping them safe
They stare blankly, the tears begin.

Some feel we're turning their families away
Others feel loved ones no longer care
They fear masks covering smiles they know
This strangeness they simply can't bear.

Covid-19 has changed nursing home lives
Forcing families and loved ones apart
Before the virus sneaks through the cracks
Each may die of a broken heart.




The nursing home I work at has become a sad, heartbreaking place. We simply cannot cheer up the residents, and some are beginning to lose trust in us. I imagine this is happening in many nursing homes across the country, one more new and terrible effect of Covid-19.
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