Essay Non-Fiction posted April 21, 2020

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An essay about the protests about opening America again.

Sacrifice The Weak

by papa55mike

There are sometimes I'm embarrassed to call myself a human being. One of those times was when I read a protest sign to open Tennessee up. The sign read, "Sacrifice the weak, reopen Tennessee!"

I almost threw up.

Truthfully, I rarely speak out about current issues. I let my characters do it. I have avoided the Coronavirus insanity, especially. I didn't want to add my voice to the terror that gripped our Nation.

I grant you this situation is horrible, and our lives have distorted into a lonely realm filled with only our families. Heaven, help us!

We must have lost our empathy in our seclusion.

I want to share what I think are some of the weak ones that sign said we should let die.

Can you imagine being the parents of a childhood cancer survivor? It's been a long torturous journey with countless chemo treatments. Thousands of tears have trickled down your cheeks, watching your child's agony. Finally, there is the light of hope on the tracks, and it isn't another train. Your child's strength begins to build, and their color returns to their cheeks. The family gets released into a world full of the Coronavirus. An infected person walks by while walking out of the hospital - without a healthy immune system, the virus quickly spreads - just a weak one.

My granddaughter, Shynoa, was born with a genetic disorder called Cat Eye Syndrome. It's a form of Trisomy 22, where an extra tag of a DNA was attached to chromosome 22. Noa, her nickname, has been through over one-hundred surgeries and procedures (we lost count) during her eighteen years. She doesn't eat like others. We feed her through a Mic-Key button in her stomach, and she is in diapers. But her green eyes and smile are precious. Her love is shared openly with others, and Noa's hugs are known to be life-changing. Shynoa's immune system has always been weak. She's been in quarantine for many weeks, and she won't be out any time soon. The fear of losing her is too high. The gap in our lives without her love would be enormous. But, she is a weak one.

I can't imagine bringing a newborn baby home during this time - months of preparation for this blessed event. The agony the mother went through carrying the child to full term. Then the pain of delivery, but the child was healthy with ten fingers and toes. You can imagine the joy of going home on the day the family was released. While putting this precious item in the car, they come in contact with a person with Coronavirus. Two weeks later, the child is in a struggle for its life. Again, a weak one.

There are many weak ones in our society, but who has the power to say they must die? I guess the man with the sign does or the lady who needs her hairdresser to reopen. She desperately needs a haircut. Their simple needs fulfilled at the cost of how many weak lives?

We have turned into a Zombie Apocalypse society. The only life that matters is mine. Let the Zombies eat the rest of them.

There is one thing proven by this crisis. We need God's love more than ever before.


I rarely rant, but I couldn't keep quiet about this.

Please, stay safe! The world needs you.

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day and God bless.
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