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Just a thought on a past relationship.

A chapter in the book "Heart Spoken Moments"

The Elusive Butterfly

by Ricky1024

Follows with Another Amazing Journey Entitled,
"Dance to My Music, Please?'
"The Elusive Butterfly'
Written on December 1st, 2012
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2012
'All Rights Reserved'

'She's a butterfly of no sort.'
'A little sprite and a lot of tort!'
'Graceful in length, traceful in depth!'
'Making her place before her very last breath!'
'Born out of generation, forlorn and Un.'
'Beckons her will...
'Forced to taste the Bitter Bad Pill!'
'But as exclusive and she may be?'
'Exclusive was not meant to be?' 'You see?'
'She is so free but boundlessly bonds of her perpetuity.'
'Thousands of miles, she finally rests after traveling and a long flight.'
'She lands on a milkweed plant where she will soon give life!'
'Like a glider born that night.'
'As she supplemented the moonlight!'
'And yes, she's constantly in motion, always and flight.'
'As she glides gracefully with the Westerly winds, awaiting patiently for her new life below, to *Begin?'
Approximate Word Count:163.

*Begins: n
'This beautiful Poemvwas based on an event that actually happened to me.' (when I was a very young man about age eight)
'I found that beautiful Chrysalis attached to small outward milkweed plant's stem.'
'I wasn't sure what it was but it was beautiful.'
'As if a seashell with the prettiest and lightest green.'
'And a circular pattern going from tip the bottom of gold and black dots.'
Note: 'This is known as a "Chrysalis"
'Which is created of course by a monarch butterfly.'
'After a quite a while in a jar.'
'I placed it in my parents hot water heater room.'
'And, it did eventually hatch!'
'As I watched the process.'
'The Leprodoptra comes out with the wings first folded in.'
'And, they slowly while the insect pumps her wings?'
'A miracle happens as she expands to the point where now she's able to fly!'
Special thanks again goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Writer, and Talented Artist,
And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Oberon"
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by cleo85 at

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