Humor Poetry posted February 24, 2020

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Yep! It's really like this!

Winter...and Spring in the South

by Y. M. Roger

This ‘rain for days’? Unwelcome here.
And clouds? They need to go –
I’ve had enough of grayish-gray,
To fog, I just say, ‘No!’

My windshield wipers, they’re quite thrilled,
No longer must they hide –
For every day they’re called to task,
They swish and swipe with pride.

My feet are soaked, my shoes are wet,
That was my last dry pair –
My office chic’s now work chapeau,
'Cuz hats they hide frizzed hair!

And we won’t even talk about
My sun-starved light complexion –
I’m pretty sure there’s a slight glow
About my pale reflection…

The thing that really ticks me off,
Is that I know come Spring –
Those weather folk will start to shout,
“A drought!” And hands will wring.

They do it every year, you know,
Roun' 'bout the time we’re warm –
But this year I'll be standing firm:
Sunny is the perfect norm!


Rhyming Poetry Contest contest entry



Just havin' a little fun, folks... although I REALLY am so very tired of the clouds and the rain this winter!! Come on Spring!! ;)

As always - rain or shine - thank you for reading me! ;)

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