Horror and Thriller Poetry posted January 6, 2020 Chapters:  ...42 43 -44- 45... 

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A Short Story.

A chapter in the book Out Standing Stories and Poems

Can You See What I See?(cont.)

by Ricky1024

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
"Can You See What I See?"
(Part Number One)
Written on January 6th, 2020 By Doctor Ricky 1024 and 'Jay'
Copyright �© Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

"Sometimes when things go wrong?"
"They miraculously go right!"
(Theology 43.01)

Once upon a time I had a dream not a dream of Peace.
(Like Dr Martin Luther King)
But of Life!
Yes glorious Life!
A New Life and a New Family with children and a wife!
The knowledge of total value came first for me in an early age and I saved!
Yes, right here right now from the tender age of 15 and a half at a buck an hour.
Until, I had no choice but to retire when things soured!
I started with a 1971 CL Honda 350cc motorcycle and then 1971 $50 Chevy Nova but they both got me around from school and job to job.
In 1974 after saving, I was able to purchased and buy my mother out of our house on Riptide Avenue.
(The original Farmers Home Loan back then was only $24,000)
So, I paid off the $18,000.00 and change and gave Mommy a whopping $33,000.00 to go away!
And, Guess What?
The boy now would be come soon a man!
Yes, from those Hopes and Dreams...
To an eventual Family...
Things now we're looking up for me?
End of Part Number One.

"Dream a Little Dream of Me?"
Part Number Two
'Blind date at age Twenty Eight!'
'Resulted in you just can't win!'
'Exhalted and haunted?'
"What's a guy to do?'
Yes, an eventual marriage plus two?"
"And a Soon-to-be for Carolyn and me?"
"Three more in a baby carriage!'
'Man Alive!'
'Will I survive?'
'1983, 84, and, 85 my first three Disney kids?'
'Flip my Lid!'
'With a little Hope and a Prayer?'
'Kike An Angel!'
'Jon Bon Bovi me Up Scottie!'
'Yes, out Three, Disney, Kids were created from a hunger to Vaca!'
'And a little bit of Disney Magic.
'Walt thought and I took the Bait!'
'Was it Fate reviewers?'
'Three in a carriage and two others to boot!'
'So, we saved a little Loot and a Family of five in a 1984 VW...
'Bought brand new!'
'My dreams were quickly becoming true but you see?'
'Even for a smart guy like me?'
'Even A Wish Upon a Star doesn't mean that in Life your Dreams will go far?'
End of Part Number Two
"The First Time"
The first time?
Ever I saw Your Face?
The Sun, again started to Shine!
And, the Moon Flowed...
Til the End...
Of All Time."
"The first time?
That I first knew You were min?
The Earth again and the Stars?
Started and cried?
The rains poured down from the Skies, as God watched and wondered why?
Yes and finally...
The first time that we all knew?
Our lives were...
Were for a while...
Total Ectasy?
Yes but Life's Events?
Aren't always the way things are supposed to be?
The First Time?"
End of Part Number Three
More Later
"Buckling Up Under the Storm!"

Estimated Word Count: 1,000.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing and Talented Writer and Artist, 'cleo85'
And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Tears from Heaven"
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by cleo85 at FanArtReview.com

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