Children Fan Fiction posted October 29, 2019 Chapters:  ...33 34 -35- 36... 

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A Continuation.

A chapter in the book Out Standing Stories and Poems


by Ricky1024

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

Follows with another Amazing Journey Entitled...
"The Rescue!"
"Snow White and the Snow Globe of Madness!"
(A Continuation)
Written on October 29th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2029
'All Rights Reserved'

"Yes, the Prince wondered now what to do?"
"Rose Red stated'
'Go save my sister now!'
"So, the Prince went deep into "The Lost Woods."
"Along many winding and complicated trails, he searched for what seemed an Eternity?"
"And, as he traveled for two days, he finally smelled the odor of pine?"
"For it is the month of December and very, very, cold."
"As in any Disney Story, a character dies."
"And, in this case?"
"Two of the Seven Dwarfs have passed."
"Dopey had died in an accident and Grumpy died from a cold."
"The Prince told the now...
"Five Dwarfs."
"What had happened to Snow White.'
"Extremely concerned, Doc stated that they could assist."
"And, he had created a brand new weapon to use in the fight called "A Slingshot!"
"The plan was quite simple....
"To follow the Giant Red-Tailed Buzzard's feathers!"
"The feathers that Snow White was plucking rapidly, as she was being hoisted away to the Evil Queen's Castle!"
End of Chapter Number Two.
To be continued after breakfast.

Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing and Talented Artist, 'Sangr.:
And, their Incredible Picture Entitled...
"Cindy's Christmas Castle"
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