Horror and Thriller Poetry posted July 22, 2019

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Nightmare at bedtime.

A Greek Drama

by LisaMay

Tucked into bed, I settled with a book
all about Greek Mythology.
Some of it was gruesome, I could barely look:
many-headed Hydra, and Scylla by the sea.
Fantastical beings – the Minotaur was there;
Cerberus dogged me in the Underworld, 
along with Cyclops, with his evil one-eyed stare.
In frightful fear I lay so tightly curled.
Then wearily, blearily, I rose from my bed
and went to the bathroom for a pee.
When I looked in the mirror, I nearly dropped dead:
the Gorgon was staring back at me!


100 Word Horror writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that contains some form of horror or thriller. No more than 100 words.

Author's Note:
The illustration shows Cerberus, the 3-headed Hound of Hades.
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