General Poetry posted July 7, 2019

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Poem about the power of words


by tempeste

Words can be colourful as rainbows
or dark and scary like shadows.
Some express notions or voice our emotions.

Words can be intoxicating
like a fine red wine
or gives us chills down our spine.

Words of an able poet
become magical musical notes
that create precious, golden moments.

Words help people connect,
bring clarity where there is obscurity,
surety where there is uncertainty.

Words can inspire dreams,
fuel ideas like gushing streams,
take our desires to extremes.

Words can be powerful,
so they should be well employed
cause they can bring joy or destroy.

Words have ignited brutal, futile wars
leaving our world with painful scars.
Your choice to make our planet better or worse.

Words can have a strong impact;
some help 'n heal others harm 'n hurt
so think twice before you blurt them out.

It's Only Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a POEM in any style, maximum number of 24 lines, to reflect the impact that WORDS can have on people.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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