Fantasy Poetry posted July 5, 2019 Chapters: 1 2 -3- 4... 

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Warmth coming from unexpected source.
A chapter in the book Of Myths and Legends

Fire Withheld

by fm wright

The knight traveled on over the ice,
thinking that a warm shelter would be nice.
Sometime following he came to a cave,
wondering if that might be his grave.

With little choice presented to him,
he ventured through the opening grim,
figuring it would be cold, but was not;
in fact it leaned towards being cozy hot.

Not far in, breath at his nape he did feel,
which sent up his spine a terrible chill.
When he looked around he did so see,
a beast which loomed predominately.

But as fire from the dragon did fail,
this knight would survive to tell his tale;
for of gentle heart this creature was found,
and for the two friendship was likely bound.

Use These Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that includes the words provided. Your poem can be of any type.

The words:

fire - cold - ice - breath

A big thanks goes out to jesuel for use of the artwork.
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