Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted May 26, 2019

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Life on the Outside

by Y. M. Roger





Choose now not to reside inside walls

Because… listen! Worldwide outside calls!


Tyburn poetry writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
A six line poem consisting of 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 9 syllables.

The first four lines rhyme and are all descriptive words. The last two lines rhyme and incorporate the first, second, third, and fourth lines as the 5th through 8th syllables.


Planting gardens, sowing, hoeing grounds.
Sunshine keeps all growing, mowing mounds.

Copyright © 2004 Marion Gibson

Image of 'The inverted tower in Quinta de Regaleira - Sintra, Portugal' from Wikipedia.

Note: This 88-foot-deep well is located on the land of Quinta da Regaleira, near the town of Sintra, Portugal. The well was never used as a well and, in fact, was never built to serve as a water resource at all. It was actually built for secret ceremonial purposes. The owner of Quinta da Regaleira, the wealthy Portuguese businessman Antonio Augusto Carvalho Monteiro, was a well-known Freemason. With the assistance of the Italian architect Luigi Manini, he designed and constructed the four-hectare property with enigmatic buildings, mysterious parks, and underground tunnels.
All of the structures erected in Quinta da Regaleira are filled with many symbols, which are linked to masonry, alchemy, the Rosicrucian and Hermetic legacy, the Knights Templar and Tarot mysticism.

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