General Fiction posted April 23, 2019

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A poem

My family

by judester

I introduce my family
and who they are to me.
Each unique, we are the leaves,
That makes our family tree.

My mother is the very heart,
curious, she seeks
the best way, to live our lives,
with a pioneering streak

Our beloved father
who has passed away,
Showed his love to all of us,
let's say, in his own way.

Manou is our artist
Flicking colours bright,
our gentle, guiding guru
steers us to the light.

Wendy is the glamour girl
giving us a peek
Everything that's de rigeur,
Perfumed waves of chic.

Gayle, valiant sister
Loved a balmy breeze
Sweet natured, independent,
living in the Keys.

Then there's me, the black sheep,
they try to understand,
the life I live precarious,
I march to my own band.

Karen, the comedian
We laugh until we weep.
She keeps us all connected
like a family referee.

We have an angel, Heather,
too soon, she did depart.
though she lived a brief life,
she lives on in our hearts.

Then came brother Donald.
"Hurray," the girls exclaimed.
For our sole, beloved boy,
then the man that he became.

So this is my family,
as varied as can be.
But together, we make one
delightful family.


Rhyme writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem, any length, About a member or members,
of your family. Must rhyme, method of rhyme left to writer

Thanks to Angelheart for the artwork.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Angelheart at

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