General Poetry posted March 2, 2019

This work has reached the exceptional level
Stepping Back a Bit

See Ya'll Soon

by Sugarray77

I try to post two times a day
with poems and thoughts and things to say.
You, my friends, are always so kind,
To give reviews and share your mind.

My surgery gave me the time,
to focus and learn to write a rhyme.
Now, life revs up, the time is right
to step back fully into light.

I give the garden entire blame
for stepping back from ratings game,
And church, the groups which I attend
are glad to see me on the mend.

I am not gone, just on reprieve,
getting to work with rolled up sleeves.
So, look for me, now and again,
and I'll see you soon, my FS friend.



Hey All. As a Chesterfield County Master Gardener, here in central Virginia, this is our busiest time of the year. I am finding myself torn between commitments. As you all know, FS can be addictive ~ and I love that about it. I will be posting often, just not as much as I have been in the past. See Ya'll soon!!

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