Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted February 9, 2019 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

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Everybody's Talking About the Good Old Days?

A chapter in the book The Two of Me

Chochee Remembers the Good Old Days

by QC Poet

Rembering hills to climb from younger "good old days",
of now gone small hills, cow pastors, and of old dirt bikes,
fun things we did with all others still in my memory stays,
one of being chased by a bull and cows while on our hikes.
And climbing up and down them "social" hills,
bets we made with others like the kind now passing time never pays.
Both the bull and like that "hill" in my memory, it still sways.

Kids we'd all together cut through that hilly pastor on the way home from school,
make the cattle charge us by running at them with a yell,!
all races playing, smiling, and joking to act a fool,
we'd all wait impatiently for the school days final bell,
and we all thought it was just oh - soo cool!
If we got caught on that hill by the cattles owner then we'd all say "Oh well"!

Soon after since we didn't look much like them "other kids",
we all children didn't notice but some of the parents would,
Got more scrutiny every where even losing after school lawn mowing bids.
Neighbors don't look anymore like they did, chose separation by putting up walls and fences where they could.

If I could bring back them "good old days",
I'm not sure it's worth living through much of that times "old ways" and strife,
to be able to do that we'd have to change some of our "regained old ways",
for we not learned from the bumps and bruises growing up in our life,
and some of the old wounds we face together today still stays,
will we learn to live through them not so "good old ways" and cut their perceived wounds out like a knife?

The Good Old Days writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about "the good old days" as you remember them. Any type, at least six lines

By; George Martinez
(AKA) Chochee Medina

The "Good Old Days" and Not so Good Old Ways,
Times come and go in cycles, if we can only recycle some of our hurtful and harmful ways
Humanity would benefit All our children.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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