Romance Poetry posted January 10, 2019 Chapters:  ...23 24 -25- 26... 

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You Are My Shining Star.
A chapter in the book Free For All.

Daze Of Whine And Roses.

by rhonnie69

"I just can't see, for the love of me,
Why I see you as a star."

Your onyx vase Your rosy face
A gem that's what you are.

"I just can't see for the love of me,
Why you do the things that you do."

"You spend my last Bengie Yet still say I'm stingy,
And not giving you what is due."

"The daze of wine and roses.
When my heart opens yours closes."

"You are mutable, yet you're suitable,
You validate, then you annul."

"Your changes are driving me
out of my skull."

"You have me convinced,
But later I find."

"You've transformed, converted,
To a change of your mind."

"I look into your eyes...what do I see?
Two flaming eyes gleaming back at me."

"Saying I want to love you, Rhonnie but...???
I don't know how.Take all of me...and teach me how."

"Another door opens...Another door closes.
Oh. The daze of wine and roses."

"BEWILDERED. Lost in a daze."
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Artwork by MoonWillow at

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