Satire Poetry posted November 15, 2018

This work has reached the exceptional level
an acrostic

The Caravan of Encroaching Evil

by michaelcahill

Repugnant rejects fleeing oppression
Escaping supposed inhumanity
Fleeing perceived danger
Under the cloak of freedom sought

Get ready for the clarity of our vision
Escape from our rebuke is futile
Empathy is not in our Constitution

Retreat, foul filthy encroachers,
Erase your dreams of a free ride
Shelter is a tortilla fairytale     
Passed on by a tequila worm
Oppression will be redefined
Nothing defies our power
So, take your drugs and weapons and
Escape the USA before it's too late!


Acrostic Poetry writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write an acrostic poem. Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title. See an example in the announcement.

Oh, trust me, the irony of this does not escape me. :))

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