Writing Non-Fiction posted September 18, 2018

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A Prompted... Contest Entry

Five Prompt Proposals

by Y. M. Roger

For Prose:
Are You Listening to Me?
It has been speculated (and some are convinced!) that the smart devices we have in our homes such as Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Homepod are listening…even when we have not purposefully activated them to do so. Write a story centered on the acceptance that the speculation is true. The only requirement about the content is that a drastic change or event to be introduced into the life/lives of the main character(s) is because of the ‘unauthorized listening’. Make me really believe it! Minimum 1500 words.
Landmark Destination
So many of the landmarks around the world are dated and are just not on the ‘top of the list’ for people – especially young people – to visit when they travel these days. In this contest, you are to propose a complete update and modernization of a world-renown landmark and make it an attractive destination for the younger generations. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility as to what you can do/build/design as long as the actual landmark itself remains untouched and it is the main attraction of the proposal. You DO NOT have to detail or justify the reality of any technology – you are the dreamer, here, not the engineer! The catch? You don’t know your landmark until you enter the contest. No minimum length, but it should not exceed 5500 words.
Suggestions for contest sponsor:
Angkor Wat                            Machu Picchu
                        The Great Sphinx
Golden Gate Bridge              Grand Canyon                         Mount Kilimanjaro
Roman Coliseum                   Alcatraz                                   Stonehenge
Great Wall of China              The Great Pyramid                 Duomo di Milano
…lots more out there!

It is a fact that human memories can be triggered by any of the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch); however, sight and hearing are the ones that tend to get all the attention! Write a short story, minimum 750 words, that features the triggering of a significant, life-altering memory by any of the three remaining senses: smell, taste, or touch. The write can be fiction or non-fiction but the focus of the story should be how one of these three senses was the ‘trigger’ for a life-changing event.

For Poetry:
Speak For Me!
Geico has their Gecko. The U.S. Forest Service has Smokey. Energizer has their Bunny. What is on the horizon for your favorite company? Write a rhyming poem of any length and any rhyme scheme introducing the newest spokes-animal (or spokes-thing!) to introduce it to the public. Your poem should include the ‘reason’ for your choice and give the reader a good idea of what his/its personality will be like. No foods, food companies, or restaurants (of any kind).
Un-Naturally Speaking
The modern culture is loaded with words that are supposed to appeal to the ‘organic’ or ‘all-natural’ or ‘cage-free’ consumer. Write a poem of any length and any style from the viewpoint of a large chemical conglomerate that eschews the natural trends and loudly proclaims the advantages of ‘artificial’ and ‘synthetic’ and the like. Be sure to effectively convince your public! Make it fun and enjoyable. Gross is okay, but nothing morbid.

Prompted... contest entry


So...no bells, no whistles, just words! Tried to cover a number of bases/interests here to attract as many tastes as seem to be found in the prose/poetry here on FanStory! Enjoy!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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