Fantasy Poetry posted July 21, 2018

This work has reached the exceptional level
Life inside a field of clover

Field of Clover

by Pamusart

I went into a clover field
and hoped my psyche would be healed
Some purple flowers painted there
were picked by me so I could share
Oh momma you'd be very pleased
They sway so gently in the breeze
I wished to bring them home to you;
I tried to grab some clover too

I noticed someone in the leaves
who said she hated clover thieves
She screamed and tried to hide herself
and was much smaller than an elf
She was no larger than my thumb
and wore a skirt around her bum
Her blouse had buttons made from dust
Her fingers held a wand of trust

She wore a tiny daisy crown
and she was standing upside down
she said she made the morning dew
at least until the day was new
The night was time for happy tears
which spread the dew throughout the years
She watched Egyptians build the tombs
and blessed the babies in their wombs

She's lived since time began to grow
I thought I'd just enjoy the show
Her work was simple and worthwhile;
Her face displayed a pretty smile
The clover that she slept upon
had silken sheets made from chiffon
They looked like petals from a bud
and rested on a pile of mud

Amazed her clothing was so clean;
expected brown or even green
There were no smudges from the grass
or mud or clover on this lass
In time she'd have to go to sleep
She likely thought me just a creep
I thought I'd leave her all alone
but took a photo with my phone

The film was showing pretty hues;
so many flowers wet with dew
I saw that she did not appear
in all the film that I took here
I witnessed magic on this day;
The image in my head would stay
I went again another time
I thought this secret would be mine

But when I came around to see,
I found a boy ahead of me
He was young and had black hair
His fire exploded in a flare;
I felt an arrow in my heart
and had to wait for it to start
I hoped that he would notice me
but she was all that he could see

I sighed and turned to go back home;
decided to no longer roam
He then was shrunk to her small size
and I could not believe my eyes
I tried to take his picture then,
but she did not come out again
He did not either sad to say
I watched them as they went to play

A seed became a soccer ball
That's when I heard my momma call
The boy had scored the winning goal
His body wasn't in control
He fell into the spider net
I turned around and there I met
A big huge spider half his size
It leapt at him to my surprise

I poked the spider with a stick
My other hand then grabbed him quick
They trusted me from that day on
and posed for photos on my lawn
My momma never saw them though
cause for adults they never show
The flowers picked from round that place
were for my momma's crystal vase


Just a fun fantasy

Thank you for reading my poem

I found the photo on the internet
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