Biographical Poetry posted May 16, 2018

This work has reached the exceptional level
Speaking from my heart this morning.

In Your Nail-Scarred Hands

by patcelaw

My dear God, in this life
You've taken me places
that in my wildest dreams
I never thought I'd see.

You've shown me how to love
by giving me wonderful girls
to raise, to watch and adore
as they grew to be such fine ladies.

You, have given me treasures
in the friends I've made
here and there and all places
You've taken me to live.

Your love for me never fails
even in times when my life
has not always been
what it should be for You.

Now as I'm getting old
I know You are holding me
every day I live, in the palm
of Your nail-scarred hands.

You have showered me with blessings
that at times I feel
I cannot contain all You've done
and You even gave me Your Son

-Patricia Lawrence

I need to do some reviewing so I have dollars to promote this so come back later for some member cents/
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