General Poetry posted April 23, 2018 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

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Quatrains, NaPoWriMo entry
A chapter in the book Precious Gems

Three-ringed Friendship

by dovemarie

They met by the river
Cupid took an arrow from his quiver
They came together as one
A new friendship had just begun

He used to get up and walk alone
Now they always talk in person and on the phone
And they go to church every day
It was just the Lord's way

Walking all alone, I wondered
How he could survive
Now she picks him up, for she can drive
So their friendship can thrive

Lots of times they include me in their day
And I never feel as though I'm in the way

It's a three-ringed friendship
Made from love
The Lord's triangle
Where He watches from above

My best friends Rachel and David met when he was sitting on a park bench on the boulevard. I have had many good times with them too. Thanks to booklotto for artwork.
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