General Script posted March 28, 2018 Chapters:  ...33 34 -35- 36... 

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one scene script

A chapter in the book Scenes

Scene at a Play (3)

by Bill Schott

Ned and Pons have watched the play, The Taming of the Shrew, and are conversing as the theater patrons leave.

Pons: Ned, I am beside myself with curiosity about what you thought about the play.

Ned: Whew! Dat's a relief, Cuz. I thunk I was a seein' double.

Pons: That was just an expression.

Ned: Wondered what dat smell was. Hoo eee! Ya cud write yer name in dat'n. Ain't no wonner it'd gimme dat double bision.

Pons: Anyway, Ned. Did you like the play? You were pretty quiet.

Ned: Purdy sure I was sleepin', dude.

Pons: So you missed the play?

Ned: I cud hear okay, but I de-magined dat da shrew were a jellerfish.

Pons: A -- a jellyfish?

Ned: So I seen that Patookio got hitched ta dis ji-normous jello gal and took her back ta his place.

Pons: Jellyfish?

Ned: Then, ol' Patookio trains her ta be a proper spa-mouse.

Pons : You mean -- spouse?

Ned: If dat's wad yer call a jellerfish turned inta a mouse?

Pons: A mouse?

Ned: Eventual, he hauls da big ol' jellermouse back to her daddy's whin her sister, Bi-ainker, gits hitched.

Pons: Amazing!

Ned: Dat ain't all neider.

Pons: The final scene?

Ned: Don't know iffin it was vinyl, wad I seen, but it were sure the end.

Pons: My god! What happened?

Ned: My ticker was a beatin' hard too, Pons.

Pons: A huge jellyfish-mouse thing in Shakespeare. What did she - ah- it say?

Ned: She said sumptin like, all men er yer bosses an' you, bein' dose utter jellerfish witches -

Pons: Wenches.

Ned: Benches.

Pons: Wenches

Ned: Wadeffer! Dem benitches owed dare hubsends big time an' oughta be heppy ta be dare second class jellermouse servatints.

Pons: I guess that's about right, Ned; though recent productions make that scene less chivalrous and more satirical.

Ned: Hard ta be shiverless tinkin' 'bout a honeymoon wit a big ol' jellerfish what's part gi-ANT-like mouse.

Pons: To be sure.

Ned: Wen I call Willum Shikspeer later, I'll suggest he change da possessed chick inta a jellerfish.

Pons: While you have him on the line, heh, heh, ask him to let Romeo and Juliet live.

Ned: So Shikspeer is a writer AND a dang kidnapper. 

Pons: Ned — Shakespeare is dead. 

Ned:  Well, that’s wad ya git, I reckon.  Did dey save dem kids?


Jellyfish World 8

Taming of the Jellyfish

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